
BEFORE YOUR AFRICAN SAFARIBefore_Safari.htmlBefore_Safari.htmlBefore_Safari.htmlshapeimage_2_link_0shapeimage_2_link_1
    REQUIRED FORMSshapeimage_3_link_0shapeimage_3_link_1
WILD WILDEBEEST LODGE TEAMLodgeTeam.htmlLodgeTeam.htmlLodgeTeam.htmlshapeimage_5_link_0shapeimage_5_link_1
PRICE LISTSPrice_Lists.htmlPrice_Lists.htmlshapeimage_6_link_0
SERVICE PROVIDERSService_Providers.htmlService_Providers.htmlService_Providers.htmlshapeimage_7_link_0shapeimage_7_link_1
PHOTO GALLERYPhoto_Gallery.htmlPhoto_Gallery.htmlshapeimage_8_link_0
PAYMENT OPTIONSPayment_Options.htmlPayment_Options.htmlshapeimage_11_link_0
OTHER ACTIVITIESOther_Activities.htmlOther_Activities.htmlshapeimage_12_link_0
AFTER YOUR AFRICAN SAFARIAfter_Safari.htmlAfter_Safari.htmlAfter_Safari.htmlshapeimage_13_link_0shapeimage_13_link_1
CHILDREN’S FOUNDATIONChildrens_Foundation.htmlChildrens_Foundation.htmlChildrens_Foundation.htmlshapeimage_14_link_0shapeimage_14_link_1
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSFrequent_Questions.htmlFrequent_Questions.htmlFrequent_Questions.htmlshapeimage_15_link_0shapeimage_15_link_1
copyright 2011 Wild Wildebeest Lodge
Required Forms
In order for us to be ready for your safari and meet your needs, the following documents must be completed by each person and returned to the U.S. Office at least two months prior to your trip.  After your dates and flights are confirmed, the forms will be emailed to you.

NOTE:  Paperwork for the following year’s bookings will not be emailed until after December 1.
        1.  Wild Wildebeest Lodge - Outfitter Questionnaire
        2.  Wild Wildebeest Lodge - Outfitter Indemnity Form

Completed forms along with a copy of your valid passport book should be
submitted to the U.S. Office at least 2 months prior to your trip.

Should you want to bring your own rifle on your Africa Adventure, you will need
to apply for a temporary import/export permit.  Do note that if traveling with 
firearms, flights through Europe are not advised.  Also note that South African
Airways has changed their rules/regulations for transportation of firearms and ammunition.  See their website
for complete details.

For assistance, Wild Wildebeest Lodge recommends that you make use of one of our service providers to assist you.  You may contact Henry Durrheim at henry@riflepermits.com or visit his website ~ www.riflepermits.com.  

To apply for a temporary import/export permit for your rifle, you will need the following documents:
 copy of your passport book info page
 copy of the Invitation Letter and Motivation Letter
 copy of your complete flight itinerary
 proof of ownership for the rifle you are bringing (current U.S. Customs Form 4457)
 South African Police Services Form 520.
    The South African Police Service requests the original document.  Please use black ink to complete the         
    document.  The date must be written in the following format:  Year - Month - Day.  You must complete the 
    following pages of the SAPS 520 form:
 Page 2 ~ D to E (E 1 to 25.4)    
 Page 4 ~ G 1 to 9.2
 Page 5 ~ I 1 to 2
 Page 6 ~ I 4 to 4.4 to J1 to 4 with signature on I 4.3 and J3